+ Landscape Design Blue Mountains
Our initial consultation provides a space to listen to your ideal plans, functions and dreams for your outdoor living spaces.
Every property is unique and seeing the lie of the land, orientation, access points and surrounds, helps to build and inform the Landscape Design. We can provide expert advice on material choices and options, and will work with you to select elements that suit your landscape design.
+ Expert Landscape Design
Landscape Design
Good design transforms a landscape.
On large projects a master plan is created to ensure all landscaping elements work together in a cohesive design. The Landscaped Garden will deliver a comprehensive plan, building a thorough blueprint of your outdoor living spaces. The Landscaped Garden prides itself on creating exceptional, functional landscaping based off beautiful landscape design.

+ Landscape Design & Construction
From Design to Construction
Landscaped design helps create a roadmap for smooth construction. The Landscaped Garden will manage the entirety of your project. Our goal is to bring the vision of your dream garden to life.